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Ms J’s CV Story

Sometimes it takes a journey to be able to reflect on where we’ve been and where we are going. We might not know where is the destination, but we know this is good journey or a not so good journey. Read more…

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Prepared Adult

Often we were consumed by fairy tales around us and when we were little, those fairy tales became our dreams that we hope it will become our reality. It is not easy to finally be able to see the reality for what it is, Ms Nur tells a story.

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Knowing Your Why

“Being knowledgable on those (development) aspects of a child, however, would be nothing if we have not nurtured our own spiritual aspects as well.” Read on to learn together with Ms. Leily.

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Kalau Besar Mau Jadi Apa?

Ms. Rizka reflected on her own experience in answering this question. Finding her passion and navigating her dreams and expectations. What a strong statement: Kalau Besar Mau Jadi apa?

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Prepared Adult

Ms Gaby shared her journey in understanding what Maria Montessori mean by: “It is not enough for the teacher to love the child. She must first love and understand the universe. She must prepare herself, and truly work at it.”

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Spiritual Embryo

Ms Leily shared about what Maria Montessori intended on the topic of Spiritual Embryo. Read more…

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Everybody Is A GENIUS!

Pertumbuhan anak yang seperti apa sih yang mengikuti konsep Spiritual Embryo? Yuk kita baca lagi, Ms Vero mengupas apa itu makna dari Spiritual Embryo.

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Spiritual Embryo

Ms Dina is sharing her thoughts about pro life and pro choice, taking into consideration of her own personal experience as well as what he learnt from Montessori’s principle of Spiritual Embryo. Read more….

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Nourishing The Spiritual Embryo

Read on to what Ms Noor thinks about Spiritual Embryo. We all can learn from this deep and touching personal experience.

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Spiritual Embryo

Ms Rizka shared from religious point of view, what Spiritual Embryos is all about. Read more to learn something new :)

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Where Can We Start?

Ms Vero kindly answered the biggest question parents usually have. Where to start in helping children reach their best potential. Read more here :)

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Planes Of Development

Ms. Leily interactive slides will easily tell us what is important about the four planes of development that Dr. Maria Montessori mapped it out for us parents and educators. Read more.

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Planes of Development

Ms. Dina shared an interesting view of her insights, what she thinks the planes of development in the development of millennial generation compared to what Dr. Maria Montessori set as the 4 planes of development.

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The Four Planes of Development

Read more on what Ms. Rizka thinks about Montessori’s Four Planes of Development. Prepare for great insights.

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Reflection on: Freedom Within Limits

Bagaimana sih cara nya menerapkan Freedom Within Limits ke anak anak di rumah? Listen to how Ms Veronica learned about this principle, reflected on this, and how she implemented this in her class.

“To let the child do as he likes when he has not yet developed any powers of control is to betray the idea of freedom” - Maria Montessori, The Absorbent Mind.

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Freedom With Limitation

Do children really have freedom? Do they experience oppression? Can they be given freedom?
Ms. J talked about her reflection about how to give freedom with limitation to children.

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Follow The Child - Observasi & Bersepakat

The key to following the child is through observation. Ms. Vero talks in great detail of why we need to observe children and what makes a successful observation. The fruit of a detailed observation in essence a stronger relationship between you and your child. Make sure you also tune in to the other episodes on Follow The Child by Ms. Veronica.

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Follow The Child: Freedom With Boundaries

There are many pre-requisite to the Montessori principle of “follow the child as his leader” (Maria Montessori): Build connection, setting up boundaries and trust.

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