
At Playtics we believe love of movement should be nurtured from a young age. Taekwondo helps to: Improves listening skills, increases focus and self-control, develops gross motor skills, teaches healthy competitive spirit, channels big energy in a positive way, and establishes a habit of enjoying physical activity.

We partner with Taekwondo Nenggala for our Taekwondo program. Click to see more videos from our Taekwondo sessions.

Dance Class

Another program to help nurture love of movement! Playtics dance class select one dance to learn each month to perform. We love the opportunity to teach traditional dances to children as it: promotes repetitive coordinated movements that help with recognising rhythm and tempo, promotes gross motor coordination, flexibility and agility, improves balance and spatial awareness, and nurtures love of culture.

Music Class

Our newest program to help nurture love of movement! Playtics music class teaches children love of music and rhythm. Singing and dancing as well as introduction to musical instruments helps children to recognise rhythm and tempo, promotes gross motor coordination, flexibility and agility, and memory.

Cooking Class

Cooking class not only FUN but also gives children independence, coordination, order and (YES) concentration. When children concentrate, amazing things happens in their brain! They make new connections and lessons becomes meaningful