Spiritual Embryo

by Ms. MG Virdina Jamaludin

Just in case many of you didn’t follow Kim Son Ho’s case about his and his ex girlfriend’s abortion in the past, I will explain the case as an example. Long story short, the abortion did happen and the couple did confirm it. There were pros and cons after Kim revealed that he himself agreed to the abortion.

a.    I quoted from Wikipedia : Abortion is the termination of a pregnancy by removal or expulsion of an embryo or fetus.

b.    Meanwhile I quoted 1 line from Wikipedia about abortion in South Korea : In October 2020, the government announced draft legislation that would decriminalize abortion until the 14th week of the pregnancy. In addition, abortions between the 14th and 24th week would be permitted if the pregnancy was due to rape or for social, economic, or health reasons. In January 2021, the legislative measures were passed.

I mean how crazy was that, even for 14 weeks pregnancy, the baby would be as big as peach. It was no longer embryo, it is already human beings who have emotions and feelings. Let me share my story to reiterate this: 

I am the youngest from 2 siblings; me and my older brother. When we were little, both of us were not into studying, so my parent - especially my mom - was always yelling at us when we need to study for our tests/exams but instead we just played around. But as he grew up, my brother didn’t need my mom’s reminder anymore, he could study independently on his own. While I remained same as always. Back then, I used to be compared (or just my thought) to my brother. He was way much smarter than me. So I thought mom loved him more than she loved me. Maybe because of that, often when my mom said A, I would do B – vice versa. This thought was long before I knew about spiritual embryo. After I discover about the spiritual embryo, all the dots are connecting.

My mom once apologized to me, I don’t remember when it was exactly. She probably attended some kind of seminar, just then she realized that she could have hurt me back when I was a fetus in her belly. The speaker in some way, told my mom that I might feel rejected by her. So when my brother was 2, my mom’s period was late for couple of weeks and she checked herself to the hospital. She was just concerned if she’d probably pregnant while my brother was still 2 years old. Then voila! The result was my mom was pregnant with me. Just then when she told herself “oh no”, she didn’t even say it out. She didn’t mean to reject/refuse me anyway, only tiny little concern because my brother was still an infant. However, probably because I might have felt the slight rejection from mom, I seemed to rebel since before I was born. I was born on 15 Sept, 12:15AM. The funny thing was only 5 hours before which is 7PM on14 Sept, my mom was told by the doctor that my due date was the following week. Later at 11PM mom felt contraction, and finally I was born at 12:15AM. Then as I grew up, I often go against almost everything my mom said. We couldn’t get along as if there was a barrier between us. Believe it or not, after mom apologized, things got better and better, we talked more often than before. It doesn’t make any sense to me at first, but as we are learning about Spiritual Embryo, I see myself as real example. I understand that even a zygote is a creature that have emotions and feelings, who understand what their carrier feels as well, and we should not – never – underestimate them as unborn creatures.


Everybody Is A GENIUS!


Nourishing The Spiritual Embryo