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Follow the Child

“Salah satu Montessori Principles : Follow the Child, jika diartikan ke Bahasa Indonesia adalah “mengikuti anak”. Jadi apakah harus melulu mengikuti kemauan anak?.”  - tulisan Ms Dina berdasar pemikirannya tentang Follow the Child

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Follow the Child

“Dalam kelas, guru tentunya menggunakan konsep Follow the Child dalam pembelajaran, guru memfasilitasi sesuai kebutuhan dan minat anak. Kebebasan membuat anak berpikir kreatif, melatih kemandirian, dan pengambilan keputusan .”  - Ms Feny

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Experience of : Follow the Child

“Dengan berlatih menyiapkan diri dalam bagian proper environment menjadikan saya semakin lebih peka dalam memahami konsep Follow the Child untuk semua anak yang saya temui di kelas .”  - sharing ms Vero untuk konsep Follow the Child

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Mari Kembali Pada Prinsip Awal

“Saya selalu mengingatkan diri saya untuk menyiapkan ‘mangkuk kosong’ di kepala saya guna membantu saya dalam melakukan observasi sebagai pengingat bahwa saya perlu mengisi ‘mangkuk kosong’ ini dengan informasi yang saya dapatkan dari hasil observasi yang mengikuti prinsip Follow the Child. Mengikuti tanpa menghakimi, mengikuti dengan tetap perlu memberikan batasan batasan yang sehat.”  - Ms Rizka dalam papernya mengenai Follow the Child

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Follow the Child

“The body movement leave traces of what brain needs. As humans, sometimes we don’t like what is good for our body, however body keeps sending signals that we need it in a form of : cravings, crying or breaking down or frustration.”  - here some reflection from Ms Gaby about Follow the Child

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Follow the Child

“Following your child doesn't mean letting him do whatever he wants, whenever. It's a common misconception and something that even put some parents off the Montessori method entirely.” - berikut selengkapnya sharing dari Ms Leily

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Becoming Independent

“We must give our children the chance to experience new things, take their ability to learn into consideration and help them be more independent” - simak yuk penjelasan dari Ms Leily tentang OCCI

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“Sehingga tap anak yang mengikuti Pendidikan Montessori, lebih terlihat mampu memahami urutan, memiliki koordinasi tubuh yang stabil, konsentrasi yang baik dan mandiri.” - yuk baca lebih lagi penjelasan tentang OCCI dari Ms. Vero

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OCCI Reflection

What is independence? And how does a child become independent? - Let’s learn together with Ms. Leily.

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Lesson For The Future

“Imagine how young children able to walk in the classroom gracefully, know how to carry things properly, know how to open and close the door which they will not get this precious lesson and experience in regular school.” - read more on what Ms. Dina shared about Lessons For The Future.

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“Apabila kemampuan ini dapat dimiliki dengan baik oleh anak maka secara tidak langsung dapat meningkatkan percaya diri pada anak.” - Ms. Feny menjelaskan salah satu benefit OCCI. Yuk baca lagi detail nya disini.

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What is OCCI and how does it help Montessori achieve its unique learning results in children? Read more in Ms. Rizka’s explanation on one of “the most beneficial principles in Montessori that not just impact how the children work in class but also give a huge impact on their daily life.”

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In Their Mind

Untuk yang mencari tahu apa itu Absorbent Mind dan impact nya dalam perkembangan anak, harus baca reflection dari Ms Vero berikut ini.

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Absorbent Mind

Every parent needs to know this stage of child’s development. Read Ms. Nur’s reflection on Absorbent Mind and let’s learn together.

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The Absorbent Mind

Ms. Leily put together an interactive presentation of everything parents should know about Montessori principle: Absorbent Mind. Click here to learn more.

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The Absorbent Mind

Ms Dina reflected a great examples around her, proof that children’s absorbent mind lasts much longer, sometimes up to adulthood. Read more here.

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The Absorbent Mind

Ms Feny menjelaskan apa itu Absorbent Mind period dan bagaimana baik nya orang tua memfasilitasi anak di masa ini. Baca lebih jelas nya disini.

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Brain, Mind, And Language

Ms. Rizka took us to understanding the brain, the mind and how absorbent mind period helps children learn language. Read more here.

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What Do You Want To Do When You Grow Up?

Aligning abilities, passion and marketplace. Ms. Vero reflected on her own expectations and personal experience in this journal. So much to learn from her sharing.

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Mau Jadi Apa?

All of us must have felt this uncertainty, “what do you want to be?” is a loaded question. You spent 2 decades being told of what to do and when you finished school, all of a sudden you are supposed to know what you want to do. What a great reflection by Ms Feny in this blog!

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