Children-centered Montessori Learning Home

Empowering successful and happy children

We believe play is the work of a child. We partnered with parents and teachers in nurturing children’s learning and developmental needs. Playtics Montessori believe in 3-hour work period for optimum normalisation period. We strive to create a safe and healthy environment for children to grow into successful and happy children and adults.


Classroom Sessions

Classroom sessions comprises of movement sessions, group presentations and Montessori classroom. Classroom sessions is setup to “follow the child as his leader.” (Maria Montessori). Allowing the child to form their own love of order, freedom with limitations in our prepared environment, our prepared adults directress are ready in capturing the children’s progress and wonders.


Therapy Support

Early childhood stage is not meant for sitting on screen during online program. We realised with the limited time outdoors and practicing gross motor development, children are coming back to class unprepared for fine motor and cognitive development. We are here to help give that gross motor movement a boost.


“We see children thriving with online group sessions, private sessions and movement therapy” — Gaby Jonatan, School Principal


“When a child is given a little leeway, he will at once shout ‘I want to do it!” but in our school, which have an environment adapted to children’s needs, they say ‘Help me do it alone’” - Maria Montessori, Secret of Childhood.


Contact us with any questions.
Monday - Friday 08.00 AM - 05.00 PM.


(021) 22059750

WA +62 811 1199 619